splunk rtsearch

  •   Search events before they are indexed and preview reports as the events 
    stream in.
      Use the rtsearch command exactly as you use the traditional search command.
      For more information, type "help search".
      For a complete reference on Splunk search, search syntax, and all of the 
    search commands
      see our online user documentation, starting with:
          rtsearch [object][-parameter <value>]
      Note: Parameters that take Boolean values support {0, false, f, no} as
      negatives and {1, true, t, yes} positives.
         Search objects are enclosed in single quotes (' ') and can be keywords,
         expressions, or a series of search commands.
      Required Parameters:
        lastest_time  time-modifier   relative time modifier for the end time of the
      Optional Parameters:
        app          appname          specify an app context to run the search
        batch        true             indicates how to handle updates in preview 
                                      Defaults to false.
        detach       true             triggers an asynchronous search and displays
                                      the job id and ttl for the search.
        earliest_time  time-modifier  relative time modifier for the start time
                                      of the search
        header       false            indicates whether to display a header in the 
                                      output mode.
        id           rt_<job id>      search job ID number.
        max_time     number           the length of time in seconds that a search 
                                      runs before it is finalized. Defaults to 0, 
                                      means no time limit.
        maxout       number           the maximum number of events to return or 
    send to
                                      stdout (when exporting events). The max 
                                      value is 10k. Defaults to 0, which means it 
                                      output an unlimited number of events.
        output       value            indicates how to display the job. Choices are:
                                      rawdata, table, csv, raw, and auto. If not 
                                      defaults to rawdata for non-transforming 
                                      and table for transforming searches.
        preview      false            indicates that reporting searches should be
                                      previewed. Defaults to true.
        timeout      number           the length of time in seconds that a search 
                                      is allowed to live after running. Defaults to 
                                      which means the job is cancelled immediately 
                                      it is run.
        wrap         false            indicates whether to line wrap for individual 
                                      that are longer than the terminal width. 
                                      to true.
      See what search language is available for use in the CLI by using these
      help commands:
          search-fields          a full list of search fields
          search-modifiers       a full list of search modifiers
          search-commands        a full list of usable search commands
      For more information about how to specify time-modifiers, search the online
      documentation for "search time modifier".
          ./splunk rtsearch 'error' -wrap false
          ./splunk rtsearch 'eventtype=webaccess error | top clientip'
          ./splunk rtsearch 'eventtype=webaccess error' -output csv
          ./splunk rtsearch -id rt_1293485632.11
      Type "help [object|topic]" to view help on a specific object or topic.
      Complete documentation is available online at: 

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