splunk remove

  • Remove data inputs, user accounts, or saved searches.
    	remove [object] [-parameter <value>| <value>]
    	remove excess-buckets [index-name]
    	remove cluster-peers peers [-parameter <value>] ...
    	remove shcluster-member
    	remove monitor source
    	remove user <username>
    	remove role <rolename>
    	remove [licenser-pools|licenses]
    	remove licenses hash 
    	remove -name <pool name>
    	remove exec                		remove scripted inputs
    	remove index               		removes an index
    	remove cluster-master      		Remove a master from the list 
    of instances a searchhead searches across
    	remove excess-buckets      		Remove excess buckets in the 
    	remove cluster-peers       		Remove downed peers from the 
    cluster master.
    	remove shcluster-member    		Remove the specified member if 
    run on the captain or, if run on a non-captain member, remove that member from 
    the search head cluster.
    	remove monitor             		remove monitored directory 
    	remove app                 		remove specified app name
    	remove tcp                 		remove TCP (network) inputs
    	remove udp                 		remove UDP (network) inputs
    	remove forward-server      		remove servers to forward data 
    	remove user                		removes a user
    	remove role                		removes a role
    	remove licenses            		removes a license from a stack
    	remove licenser-pools      		removes a pool within a stack
    Required Parameters:
    	(For remove exec)
    		source              		command and arguments to remove
    	(For remove index)
    		name                		name of index
    	(For remove cluster-master)
    		master_uri          		the value of the master uri
    	(For remove cluster-peers)
    		peers               		Comma separated guids of the 
    peers to be removed
    	(For remove monitor)
    		source              		path to a directory to index
    	(For remove app)
    		name                		the name of the app
    	(For remove tcp)
    		source              		port where Splunk should listen 
    for events
    	(For remove udp)
    		source              		port where Splunk should listen 
    for events
    	(For remove forward-server)
    		hostport            		in the format <host>:<port> 
    where host and port are hostname or IP address of the indexing server and port 
    that the indexer is listening on
    	(For remove user)
    		username            		the name of the Splunk user 
    account to remove
    	(For remove role)
    		rolename            		The name of the role
    	(For remove licenses)
    		hash                		hash of the license file to 
    	(For remove licenser-pools)
    		name                		name of the pool to remove
    Optional Parameters:
    	(For remove cluster-master)
    		secret              		the secret/pass4SymmKey used 
    for the master
    		site                		the site-id for the searchhead 
    for this master
    	(For remove excess-buckets)
    		index               		index to remove excess-buckets
    	(For remove shcluster-member)
    		mgmt_uri            		If run on the captain, this is 
    the management uri of the member to be removed.
    	'./splunk remove cluster-master -secret 
    	'./splunk remove cluster-master -master_uri 
    -secret testsecret'
    	'./splunk remove excess-buckets'
    	'./splunk remove excess-buckets main'
    	'./splunk remove cluster-peers -peers GUID'
    	'./splunk remove cluster-peers -peers GUID1,GUID2,GUID3'
    	./splunk remove shcluster-member -mgmt_uri https://myserver:1234
    	./splunk remove app unix
    	./splunk remove licenses BM+S8VetLnQEb1F+5Gwx9rR4MGGG5E3gQgV4Y91AkIE=
    	./splunk remove licenses BM+S8VetLnQEb1F+5Gwx9rR4MGGG5E3gQgV4Y91AkIE=
    	./splunk remove licenser-pools foo
    Type "help [command]" to get help with parameters for a specific command.
    Complete documentation is available online at: 

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