splunk offline

  •           Used to shutdown the peer in a way that doesn't affect existing 
    searches. The master rearranges the primary peers for buckets, and actually
    	fixes up the cluster state as much as possible in case the 
    enforce-counts flag is set. ie trying to maintain the replication and search 
    	for the cluster.
            offline [--flag]
         Required Parameters:
         Optional Parameters:
              auth       <username>:<password>
    	enforce-counts  If this flag is used, the cluster is completely fixed 
    up before this peer is taken down.
    		        ie the Replication factor and search factor for the 
    cluster are honored to the maximum possible extent.
    			Without this flag, the master will simple rearrange the 
    primaries and timeout after 5 minutes(by default),
    			The amount of time the master waits for the peer is 
    configurable using the "restart_timeout" parameter using
    			the "./splunk edit cluster-config" command.
              ./splunk offline -auth admin:changeme
              ./splunk offline --enforce-counts
              ./splunk offline
         Type "help [object|topic]" to view help on a specific object or topic.
         Complete documentation is available online at: 

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