splunk edit

  • Edit data inputs, user accounts, or saved searches.
    Type "./splunk help saved-search" to learn how to add alerts and saved searches.
    Type "./splunk help [topic name | object name | parameter name]" to get help on 
    any topic, object, or parameter.
    	edit [object] [-parameter <value> | <value>]
    	edit cluster-config -mode master|slave|searchhead -<parameter_name> 
    	edit shcluster-config -<parameter_name> <parameter_value>
    	edit monitor
    	edit [tcp] source [-parameter <value>] ...
    	edit [udp] source [-parameter <value>] ...
    	edit user <username> [-parameter <value>] ...
    	edit role <rolename> [-parameter <value>]
    	edit [licenser-localslave|licenser-pools|licenser-groups]
    	edit -name <pool name> -description <description> -quota 
    <size[kb|mb|tb]> -slaves <comma separated slave GUID list>
    	edit -master_uri <scheme>://<hostname>:<port>
    	edit <licenser group name> -is_active 1
    	edit exec                		edits scripted inputs
    	edit index               		edits index on this server
    	edit cluster-config      		edit current clustering 
    	edit cluster-master      		Edit a master currently in the 
    list of instances a searchhead searches across
    	edit shcluster-common-encrypt		 Recrypt the field with 
    shcluster common encryption key.
    	edit shcluster-config    		edit current shclustering 
    configuration on a bootstrapped node.
    	edit monitor             		edits monitored directory inputs
    	edit tcp                 		edits TCP (network) inputs
    	edit udp                 		edits UDP (network) inputs
    	edit user                		edits a user
    	edit role                		edits a role
    	edit licenser-pools      		edits a pool within a stack
    	edit licenser-localslave 		edits attributes of local 
    license slave node
    	edit licenser-groups     		edits attributes of licenser 
    Required Parameters:
    	(For edit exec)
    		source              		command and arguments to be run
    	(For edit index)
    		name                		name of index
    	(For edit cluster-config)
    		mode                		master|slave|searchhead
    	(For edit cluster-master)
    		master_uri          		the value of the master uri
    	(For edit shcluster-common-encrypt)
    		config              		Name of the Conf file eg: 
    server for server.conf.
    		prefix              		Prefix for the stanza where the 
    key for re-encryption is found.
    		key                 		The key whose value has to be 
    re-encrypted with common secret.
    	(For edit monitor)
    		source              		path to a file or directory 
    whose contents should be indexed by the Splunk server, and then watched for new 
    input. The Splunk server unpacks tarfiles and compressed files.
    	(For edit tcp)
    		source              		the TCP network port that the 
    Splunk Server should listen on
    	(For edit udp)
    		source              		the UDP network port that the 
    Splunk Server should listen on
    	(For edit user)
    		username            		the name of the Splunk user 
    account to remove
    	(For edit role)
    		rolename            		The name of the role
    	(For edit licenser-pools)
    		name                		name of the pool to edit
    	(For edit licenser-localslave)
    		master_uri          		uri of the splunkd license 
    master instance OR 'self'
    	(For edit licenser-groups)
    		name                		name of the licenser groups
    		is_active           		1 to enable
    Optional Parameters:
    	(For edit exec)
    		hostregex           		quoted string description for 
    the app
    		host                		hostname to set as the host 
    		index               		index to place events in
    		interval            		number of seconds to wait 
    before running the command
    		keep-open           		set the command to not terminate
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    	(For edit cluster-config)
    		cxn_timeout         		connection timeout
    		send_timeout        		send timeout
    		rcv_timeout         		recieve timeout
    		rep_cxn_timeout     		replication connection timeout
    		rep_send_timeout    		replication send timeout
    		rep_rcv_timeout     		replication receive timeout
    		replication_factor  		sets the replication factor
    		search_factor       		sets the search factor
    		heartbeat_timeout   		sets the hearbeat timeout
    		restart_timeout     		sets the time the master waits 
    for peer to readd after restart
    		master_uri          		sets the value of the master uri
    		replication_port    		specify the replication port
    		max_peer_build_load 		specify the max number of 
    concurrent jobs to make bucket searchable
    		max_peer_rep_load   		specify the max number of 
    concurrent replications that peer can take part in as target
    		secret              		sets the value of the secret 
    key between master and slaves
    		multisite           		used to turn on the multisite 
    feature for this cluster
    		site_replication_factor		sets the replication factor for 
    a multisite configuration. See examples for usage
    		site_search_factor  		sets the search factor for a 
    multisite configuration. See examples for usage
    		site                		sets the site-id for 
    slave/searchhead indexer.Valid values include site1 to site64
    		available_sites     		sets the various sites that are 
    recognised for this master.Valid values include site1 to site64
    		use_batch_mask_changes		specifies whether master should 
    process mask changes for buckets in batch or individual mode
    		cluster_label       		sets a label that is associated 
    with the cluster
    		summary_replication 		Turn on summary replication in 
    the cluster.
    		re_add_on_bucket_request_error		specify whether slave 
    should re-add itself to master if master returns an error for a bucket request.
    	(For edit cluster-master)
    		secret              		the secret/pass4SymmKey used 
    for the master
    		site                		the site-id for the searchhead 
    for this master
    		multisite           		used to turn on|off the 
    multisite feature for this master. Acceptable values are [true|false
    	(For edit shcluster-common-encrypt)
    		username            		Username if available.
    		app                 		The app for which you have to 
    change the key.
    	(For edit shcluster-config)
    		cxn_timeout         		connection timeout
    		send_timeout        		send timeout
    		rcv_timeout         		recieve timeout
    		rep_cxn_timeout     		replication connection timeout
    		rep_send_timeout    		replication send timeout
    		rep_rcv_timeout     		replication receive timeout
    		replication_factor  		sets the replication factor
    		heartbeat_timeout   		sets the hearbeat timeout
    		restart_timeout     		sets the time the master waits 
    for peer to readd after restart
    		replication_port    		specify the replication port
    		max_peer_build_load 		specify the max number of 
    concurrent jobs to make bucket searchable
    		max_peer_rep_load   		specify the max number of 
    concurrent replications that peer can take part in as target
    		secret              		sets the value of the secret 
    key between captain and members
    		mgmt_uri            		Specify the managment uri of 
    this node.
    		raft_election_timeout_ms		Sets the value of 
    election timeout used by the raft protocol.
    		conf_deploy_fetch_url		Sets the uri from which a 
    cluster member fetches its baseline configuration.
    	(For edit monitor)
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    		index               		a local Splunk index to place 
    events from the source
    		hostname            		host name to set as the host 
    		hostregex           		regular expression of file path 
    to set as the host value
    		hostsegmentnum      		number of segments in the file 
    path to set as the host value
    		follow-only         		only read from the end of the 
    file (True|False, default=False)
    	(For edit tcp)
    		remotehost          		specify IP address to 
    exclusively accept data from
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    		index               		index to place events from the 
    		hostname            		host name to set as the host 
    		resolvehost         		specify whether to use DNS to 
    set the host value (true|false, default=false)
    		doneTimeout         		timeout after which data 
    received so far over the connection is deemed complete
    	(For edit udp)
    		remotehost          		specify IP address to 
    exclusively accept data from
    		sourcetype          		source type value to set for 
    events from the source
    		index               		index to place events from the 
    		hostname            		host name to set as the host 
    		resolvehost         		specify whether to use DNS to 
    set the host value (true|false, default=false)
    	(For edit user)
    		full-name           		Real name of user in quotes 
    (Example: "Nikola Tesla")
    		tz                  		Timezone of user (Example: 
    	(For edit licenser-pools)
    		description         		human readable description
    		quota               		new allocation size of the pool
    		slaves              		list of slave GUIDs that are 
    part of this pool
    		append_slaves       		a flag to append the slave 
    GUIDs to the existing list rather than overwriting it
    	./splunk edit cluster-config -mode slave -replication_port 4535
    	./splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -secret foo
    	./splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -multisite true -auth 
    	./splunk edit cluster-config -mode master -multisite true 
    -site_replication_factor origin:2,site1:2,total:5 -site_search_factor 
    origin:2,total:3 -site site1 -available_sites site1,site2 -auth admin:changeme 
    -use_batch_mask_changes true
    	./splunk edit cluster-config -mode slave -master_uri 
    https://server_name:port -secret foo
    	./splunk edit cluster-config -mode slave -site site2 
    	'./splunk edit cluster-master -secret 
    	'./splunk edit cluster-master https://old_server_name:8089 -master_uri 
    	'./splunk edit cluster-master https://old_server_name:8089 -master_uri 
    https://new_server_name:8089 -secret newsecret
    	'./splunk edit shcluster-common-encrypt -username admin -app search 
    -config app -prefix credential:: -key password 
    	./splunk edit shcluster-config -replication_port 4535
    	./splunk edit shcluster-config -secret foo
    	./splunk edit shcluster-config -captain_uri https://server_name:port 
    -secret foo
    	./splunk edit monitor /var/log -follow-only true
    	./splunk edit role role1 -capability edit_udp -capability edit_tcp 
    -imported user -index main -index index1 -default_index index1 
    	./splunk edit licenser-pools foo -description test -quota 10mb -slaves 
    	./splunk edit licenser-pools foo -description test -quota 10mb -slaves 
    guid1,guid2 -append_slaves true
    	./splunk edit licenser-localslave -master_uri https://myhost:8089
    	./splunk edit licenser-localslave -master_uri self
    	./splunk edit licenser-groups Foo -is_active 1
    Type "help [command]" to get help with parameters for a specific command.
    Complete documentation is available online at: 

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