splunk disable

  • Disable applications, Splunk server features, and distributed search features.
    	disable [object] [-parameter <value> | <value>]
    	disable deploy-server
    	disable listen [-parameter <value> | <value>]
    	disable boot-start          		set Splunk to not run when the 
    operating system boots
    	disable web-ssl             		make Splunk Web's HTTP port not 
    to use SSL encryption
    	disable webserver           		set whether the Splunk server 
    should be started
    	disable index               		disables writing to an index
    	disable maintenance-mode    		Disables the maintaince mode on 
    peers in clustering. Must be invoked at the master. 
    	disable shcluster-config    		Disables shclustering on this 
    	disable app                 		disable the specified app
    	disable deploy-server       		Disable deployment server at 
    this instance
    	disable scheduler           		Disables the search scheduler 
    from running searches.
    	disable listen              		close a port set to listen for 
    Splunk forwarding protocol (splunktcp) data from Splunk forwarders
    	disable ad                  		Disable specified collection
    	disable registry            		Disable specified collection
    	disable wmi                 		Disable specified collection
    	disable eventlog            		Disable specified collection
    	disable monitornohandle     		Disable specified file tail
    	disable winnetmon           		Disable specified Windows 
    network monitor input
    	disable perfmon             		Disable specified collection
    	disable winhostmon          		Disable specified collection
    	disable winprintmon         		Disable specified collection
    Required Parameters:
    	(For disable index)
    		name                		name of index
    	(For disable app)
    		name                		the name of the app
    	(For disable listen)
    		port                		TCP port to listen on
    	(For disable ad)
    		name                		The name of the collection
    	(For disable registry)
    		name                		The name of the collection
    	(For disable wmi)
    		name                		The name of the collection
    	(For disable eventlog)
    		name                		The name of the collection
    	(For disable monitornohandle)
    		name                		The name of the file tail
    	(For disable winnetmon)
    		name                		The name of the Windows network 
    monitor input
    	(For disable perfmon)
    		name                		The name of the collection
    	(For disable winhostmon)
    		name                		The name of the Windows Host 
    	(For disable winprintmon)
    		name                		The name of the Windows Print 
    Optional Parameters:
    	'./splunk disable maintenance-mode'
    	'./splunk disable shcluster-config
    	./splunk enable app unix
    	./splunk disable ad col1
    	./splunk disable registry col1
    	./splunk disable wmi col1
    	./splunk disable eventlog logs1
    	./splunk disable monitornohandle <name>
    	./splunk disable winnetmon
    	./splunk disable perfmon col1
    	./splunk disable winhostmon
    	./splunk disable winprintmon col1
    Type "help [command]" to get help with parameters for a specific command.
    Complete documentation is available online at: 

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