splunk createssl

  • Creates Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates for secure connections to 
    Splunk Web and between instances of Splunk.
        ./splunk createssl [[audit-keys] [-d <destination_dir>] [-p 
    <privatekey_path>] [-k <publickey_path>] [-l <bit_length>]] [[server-cert [-d 
    <rootca_dir>] [-n <certificate_name>] [-c <cert_CommonName>] [-l 
    <RSA_keylength>] [-p]] [[web-cert [-n <cert_CommonName>] [-l <RSA_keylength>]]
        You must supply one of the following arguments and its associated flags for 
    the command to be valid:
        Supported flags and arguments:
        audit-keys: Generates a public and private authentication key.
              Supported flags:
                     -d <destination_directory>         # defaults to etc/auth/audit
                     -p <path to write the private key> # defaults to 
                     -k <path to write the public key>  # defaults to 
                     -l <key length in bits>            # defaults to 1024
                    Note: To specify the -d flag, you must also set the -p and -k 
    flags to include the same flags.
                   Otherwise, Splunk will place the public and private key files in 
    the default directory.
                  server-cert: Generates root CA and other server certificates.
                 Supported flags:
                      -d:     Directory where root CA and other certs are stored.
                       -n:     The name of the cert.
                     -c:     The CommonName for the cert.  This should match the 
    DNS name.
                             If DNS is not available then the IP will suffice.
                      -l:     Length of the RSA key to generate (default 1024).
      Prompt for optional arguments (shown below).
    The -d flag points to the location where input CAs are located, and also create 
    the server cert.  You cannot select an empty directory.
                                              Optional arguments are:
                       - key password/passphrase
                       - company info (name, locaiton, org unit)
                       - key owner info (name, email)
                  web-cert: Generates an SSL certificate for Splunk Web.
                 Supported flags:
                   -n:     The CommonName of the cert.  This shuld match the DNS 
                           If DNS is not available then the IP will suffice.
                   -l:     Length of the RSA key to generate (default 1024).

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