xenstore-ls - list Xenstore keys and values

  • NAME
        xenstore-ls - list Xenstore keys and values
        xenstore-ls [OPTION]... [PATH]...
        List keys, values and permissions of one or more Xenstore PATHs, using a
        nested, tree-like view.
        -f  Show the full path for all keys.
        -p  Show permissions of all the listed keys as comma separated list. The
            format of each permission is LD, where L is a letter for the type of
            permission and D is the corresponding domain ID.
            The types of permission are:
            r   read
            w   write
            b   read and write (both)
            n   no access
            The first permission entry is the domain owning the key (the owner)
            and the permissions for any domain not explicitly listed in subsequent
            entries. The key owner always has full access (read, write, and set
        -s  Connect to the Xenstore daemon using a local socket only.
        Send bugs to [email protected], see
        http://wiki.xen.org/xenwiki/ReportingBugs on how to send bug reports.

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