What are rhsa, rhba, and rhea on redhat?

  • Full Article: https://access.redhat.com/articles/2130961


    • RHSA (Red Hat Security Advisory): RHSA advisories contain one or more security fixes, and can also contain bug or enhancements fixes. RHSA advisories outrank both RHBA and RHEA advisories in priority.

    • RHBA (Red Hat Bug Advisory): RHBA advisories always contain one or more bug fixes, may contain enhancements, but do not contain security fixes. Because RHBA advisories are released for bug fixes, an RHBA outranks a RHEA advisory in priority.

    • RHEA (Red Hat Enhancement Advisory): RHEA advisories contain one or more enhancements or new features, and they do not contain bug fixes or security fixes. Essentially, a RHEA is released when new features are added and an updated package is shipped.

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