Docker Desktop Enterprise Preview: Version Packs

  • This is the first in a series of articles we are publishing to provide more details on Docker Desktop Enterprise, which we announced at DockerCon Barcelona. Keep up with the latest Docker Desktop Enterprise news and release updates by signing up for the Docker Desktop Enterprise announcement list. Docker’s engineers have been hard at work completing features and getting everything in ship-shape (pun intended) following our announcement of Docker Desktop Enterprise, a new desktop product that is the easiest, fastest and most secure way to develop production-ready containerized applications and the easiest way for developers to get Kubernetes running on their own machine. In the first post of this series I want to highlight how we are working to bridge the gap between development and production with Docker Desktop Enterprise using our new Version Packs feature. Version Packs let you easily swap your Continue reading...

    The post Docker Desktop Enterprise Preview: Version Packs appeared first on Docker Blog.

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