How do i search docker hub for official images?

  • Man page for docker search

    $ docker search --filter=is-official=true fedora
    NAME                DESCRIPTION                        STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
    fedora              Official Docker builds of Fedora   754                 [OK]          

    There can be many community images, to limit the number displayed use the limit option.

               Max number of search results
    $ docker search --limit=10 fedora

    Pick out the most popular images. Here we limit the number of images to 10 and display any image with over 20 stars

    $ docker search --limit=10 fedora --filter=stars=20
    NAME                DESCRIPTION                        STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
    fedora              Official Docker builds of Fedora   754                 [OK]                
    fedora/apache                                          35                                      [OK]

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