cqlsh> help describe

  • For any changes also see Apache Cassandra documentation.

    cassandra@cqlsh> help describe
            DESCRIBE [cqlsh only]
            (DESC may be used as a shorthand.)
              Outputs information about the connected Cassandra cluster, or about
              the data objects stored in the cluster. Use in one of the following ways:
              Output the names of all keyspaces.
            DESCRIBE KEYSPACE [<keyspacename>]
              Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the given keyspace,
              and the objects in it (such as tables, types, functions, etc.).
              In some cases, as the CQL interface matures, there will be some metadata
              about a keyspace that is not representable with CQL. That metadata will not be shown.
              The '<keyspacename>' argument may be omitted, in which case the current
              keyspace will be described.
              Output the names of all tables in the current keyspace, or in all
              keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
            DESCRIBE TABLE [<keyspace>.]<tablename>
              Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the given table.
              In some cases, as above, there may be table metadata which is not
              representable and which will not be shown.
            DESCRIBE INDEX <indexname>
              Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given index.
              In some cases, there may be index metadata which is not representable
              and which will not be shown.
            DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW <viewname>
              Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given materialized view.
              In some cases, there may be materialized view metadata which is not representable
              and which will not be shown.
              Output information about the connected Cassandra cluster, such as the
              cluster name, and the partitioner and snitch in use. When you are
              connected to a non-system keyspace, also shows endpoint-range
              ownership information for the Cassandra ring.
              Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the entire (non-system) schema.
              Works as though "DESCRIBE KEYSPACE k" was invoked for each non-system keyspace
              k. Use DESCRIBE FULL SCHEMA to include the system keyspaces.
            DESCRIBE TYPES
              Output the names of all user-defined-types in the current keyspace, or in all
              keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
            DESCRIBE TYPE [<keyspace>.]<type>
              Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given user-defined-type.
              Output the names of all user-defined-functions in the current keyspace, or in all
              keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
            DESCRIBE FUNCTION [<keyspace>.]<function>
              Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given user-defined-function.
              Output the names of all user-defined-aggregates in the current keyspace, or in all
              keyspaces if there is no current keyspace.
            DESCRIBE AGGREGATE [<keyspace>.]<aggregate>
              Output the CQL command that could be used to recreate the given user-defined-aggregate.
            DESCRIBE <objname>
              Output CQL commands that could be used to recreate the entire object schema,
              where object can be either a keyspace or a table or an index or a materialized
              view (in this order).

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