Elastic Stack 6.5.3 Released

  • Version 6.5.3 of the Elastic Stack has been released today. It contains fixes for a couple of notable issues in Beats and Kibana.

    Notable bug fixes:

    • In Kibana, the “group by terms” functionality in Time Series Visual Builder now correctly shows the Metric and Gauge visualizations again (#26520). This was a regression that was introduced in the 6.5 release due to changes in the CSS styling.
    • In Filebeat, rfc3164 syslogs for the month of December are now parsed correctly (#9349). This bug occurred due to a typo in the Filebeat log parsing code.
    We recommend to upgrade to this latest version. For a full list of changes for each of the stack’s products, please refer to the release notes of Kibana,  Elasticsearch, and Beats (no changes in Logstash).


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