How do i perform a search of ubuntu operating system processes?

  • We mostly use something like the following to look for active process.

    ps -ef | grep apache

    Another way of doing searching of active processes is using the pgrep command.

    Using the following process as an example.

    redis     1288     1  0 03:04 ?        00:00:03 /usr/bin/redis-server

    Search for redis as the command. Returns single process id.

    $ pgrep redis

    -l option

    Search for redis as the command and list it. You can see the actual command is not redis but redis-server.

    $ pgrep -l redis
    1456 redis-server

    -x option

    Be more specific search and only search for redis as the command. There is no command called redis so nothing is listed.

    $ pgrep -lx redis

    However if you search for redis-server, it will exactly match that command.

    $ pgrep -lx redis-server
    1456 redis-server

    -f option

    Search for the string redis anywhere in the process list. It finds redis in more than one process

    $ pgrep -fl redis
    777 runsv
    807 svlogd
    1185 runsv
    1227 svlogd
    1288 redis-server

    -a option

    Sometimes listing the entire command line is more useful.

    $ pgrep -fla redis
    777 runsv redis_lb
    807 svlogd -tt /var/log/opscode/redis_lb
    1185 runsv redis
    1227 /opt/chef-manage/embedded/bin/svlogd -tt /var/log/chef-manage/redis
    1288 /usr/bin/redis-server   

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