vzlist(8) - CT listing utility.

  • vzlist(8)					 System Manager's Manual				       vzlist(8)
           vzlist - CT listing utility.
           vzlist  [-a|-S]	[-H]  [-o field[,field...]] [-s [-]field] [-h host_pattern] [-N name_pattern] [-d descr_pattern]
           [-i ifname] [ctid [ctid...] | -1]
           vzlist -L
           The vzlist utility lists CTs. By default only running CTs are listed.  With ctid specified,  only  specified  CTs
           are listed, ctid of -1 is used to output CT IDs only, one per line.
           For the fields that can have many values (e.g. ip or netif), all the values are displayed only for the last (i.e.
           leftmost) column; otherwise, only the first value is shown.
           -H, --no-header
    	      Suppress displaying the header.
           -a, --all
    	      List all CTs.
           -S, --stopped
    	      List only stopped CTs.
           -n, --name
    	      Display CT names (instead of hostnames).
           -o, --output field[,field...]
    	      Display only the specified field(s).
           -s, --sort field
    	      Sort by the value of field (possible arguments are the same as for -o). The - before the field name  means
    	      sorting in the reverse order.
       Output filters
           List  of	 CTs can be further filtered using the following options.  For patterns (except for --netif) one can use
           the same wildcards as in shell (i.e. *, ?, and []).  Note: to avoid expansion of wildcards by the shell, one have
           to  escape  the	pattern by either putting it into single quotes (like 'a*a') or by adding a backslash before the
           wildcard character (like a\*a).
           -h, --hostname pattern
    	      List only those CTs whose hostname matches the pattern.
           -N, --name_filter pattern
    	      List only CTs whose names match the pattern.
           -d, --description desc_pattern
    	      List only those CTs whose descriptions match the desc_pattern.
           -i, --netif host_ifname
    	      List only CTs whose host interface names match the host_ifname pattern.  Note that you can not  use  wild‐
    	      cards with this option.
       Possible fields
           -L, --list
    	      List all the fields that can be used for both output (-o, --output) and the sorting order (-s, --sort).
    	      For  the user beancounter fields, if suffix is not specified, current usage (a.k.a. "held") value is show.
    	      One can also use the following suffixes:
    	      .m     maxheld
    	      .b     barrier
    	      .l     limit
    	      .f     fail counter
    	      For the disk quota fields, if suffix is not specified, current usage is shown. One can also use  the  fol‐
    	      lowing suffixes:
    	      .s     soft limit
    	      .h     hard limit
           Returns 0 upon success.
           Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All rights reserved.
    OpenVZ						      January 2012					       vzlist(8)

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