vzctl(8) - utility to control a Container.

  • vzctl(8)					 System Manager's Manual					vzctl(8)
           vzctl - utility to control a Container.
           vzctl [--quiet | --verbose] create ctid | --ostemplate name} [--private path] [--root path] [--ipadd addr[/mask]]
           [--hostname name] [--skip_app_templates] [--name name] [--description desc] [--force]
           vzctl [--quiet | --verbose] reinstall ctid [--skipbackup] [--resetpwdb] [--skipscripts]
           vzctl runscript ctid script
           vzctl [--quiet | --verbose] set ctid [--save]
    	      [-p, --numproc items[:items]] [--vmguarpages pages[:pages]] [-l, --lockedpages  pages[:pages]]  [--privvm‐
    	      pages   pages[:pages]]   [--shmpages   pages[:pages]]   [-n,   --numfile	items[:items]]	[-f,  --numflock
    	      items[:items]] [-t, --numpty items[:items]] [-i, --numsiginfo items[:items]] [-e,	 --numiptent  num[:num]]
    	      [--swappages num[:num]] [--physpages pages[:pages]] [--ram bytes] [--swap bytes]
    	      [--vm_overcommit	N]
    	      [--diskspace num[:num]] [--quotaugidlimit num] [--jquota on|off]
    	      [--cpuunits  value]  [--cpulimit	value]	[--cpus	 value]	 [--cpumask  {N[,N][,N-N]|all|auto}] [--nodemask
    	      [--ipadd addr[/mask]] [--ipdel addr|all]
    	      [--netif_add <ifname[,mac,host_ifname,host_mac]]>] [--netif_del <ifname>]
    	      [--ifname <ifname> [--mac <mac>] [--host_ifname  <name>]	[--host_mac  <mac>]  [--ipadd  <addr>]	[--ipdel
    	      <addr>]  [--gw  <addr>]  [--gw6 <addr>] [--dhcp <yes|no>] [--dhcp6 <yes|no>] [--network <id>] [--configure
    	      [--ext_ipadd addr] [--ext_ipdel addr|all] [--hostname  name]  [--nameserver  addr]  [--searchdomain  name]
    	      [--userpasswd user:password [--crypted]]
    	      [--onboot yes|no] [--bootorder number]
    	      [--rate dev:class:Kbits] [--ratebound yes|no]
    	      [--root	path]	[--noatime  yes|no]  [--bindmount_add  [src:]dst[,nosuid,noexec,nodev]	[--bindmount_del
    	      dst|all] [--mount_opts opt[,opt]]
    	      [--devnodes device:r|w|rw|none] [--netdev_add name] [--netdev_del name] [--pci_add [domain:]bus:slot.func]
    	      [--pci_del  n[domain:]bus:slot.func]  [--iptables	 name[,...]]   [--netfilter  mode]  [--disabled	 yes|no]
    	      [--applyconfig name]  [--setmode	restart|ignore]	 [--description	 desc]	[--name	 name]	[--ioprio  prio]
    	      [--iolimit limit] [--iopslimit limit] [--features name:on|off[,...]]
    	      [--ha_enable yes|no] [--ha_prio number]
           vzctl [--quiet | --verbose] destroy | mount | umount | start | restart | status | enter | console |
           vzctl stop ctid|name [--fast] [--skip-umount]
           vzctl start ctid|name [--wait] [--skip-fsck]
           vzctl monitor ctid|name|0
           vzctl suspend ctid|name
           vzctl resume ctid|name [--skip-fsck]
           vzctl snapshot ctid|name [--id uuid] [--name name] [--description desc]
           vzctl snapshot-switch | snapshot-delete ctid|name --id uuid
           vzctl snapshot-mount CTID --id uuid --target path
           vzctl snapshot-umount CTID --id uuid
           vzctl snapshot-list CTID [-H] [-o field[,field...] [--id uuid]
           vzctl [--quiet | --verbose] exec | exec2 ctid|name command [arg ...]
           vzctl convert ctid|name
           vzctl register path ctid [--force]
           vzctl unregister ctid|name
           vzctl --help | --version
           Utility vzctl runs on host server (HS) and performs direct manipulations with Container (CT).
           Containers can be referred to by numeric ctid (or name which can be assigned with --name option). Note that CT ID
           <= 100 are reserved for OpenVZ internal purposes.
           These flags can be used with any vzctl command.
    	   Disables logging to a console (a terminal). Logging to a log file is not affected.
    	   Sets console (terminal) logging level to maximum value. Logging to a log file is not affected.
       Setting CT parameters
           set ctid
    	   This command sets various CT parameters. If flag --save is given, parameters are saved  in  CT  configuration
    	   file	 ve.conf(5).  If CT is currently running, vzctl applies these parameters to CT, in case --setmode option
    	   specified apply logic for parameters that can't be applied or tunning  CT  will  be	changed,  if  restart  -
    	   restart  CT,	 if ignore - ignore error.  Parameters that can not be applied runtime are quotaugidlimit, bind‐
    	   mount, features, and iptables.
    	   The following options can be used with set command.
           Miscellaneous parameters
           --setmode restart|ignore
    	   Change default mode for apply parameters that can not be applied on running CT.  restart - restart CT, ignore
    	   - ignore error.
           --onboot yes|no
    	   Sets whether this CT will be started during system boot up. CT will not be auto-started during system boot up
    	   unless this parameter is set to yes.
           --bootorder number
    	   Sets the boot order priority for this CT. The higher the number is, the earlier in the boot process this con‐
    	   tainer  starts. By default this parameter is unset, this is considered to be the lowest priority, so contain‐
    	   ers with unset bootorder will start last.
           --root path
    	   Sets path to root directory for this CT. This is essentially a mount point for CT root. Argument can	 contain
    	   literal  string  $VEID,  which  will be substituted with numeric CT ID. Changing this parameter is not recom‐
    	   mended, better edit vz(5) global configuration file.
           --userpasswd user:password
    	   Sets password for given user in CT, creating the user if it does not exists.	 Note that this	 option	 is  not
    	   saved  in  configuration  file  at  all  (so	 --save	 flag is useless), it is applied to CT (by modifying its
    	   /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files).
    	   If the --crypted parameter is specified, the system assumes that the passwords are encrypted.
    	   In case CT root is not mounted, it is automatically mounted, then all appropriate file changes  are	applied,
    	   then it is unmounted.
    	   Note that CT area should be created before using this option.
           --disabled yes|no
    	   Disable CT start. For force start disabled CT option --force can be used.
           --name name
    	   Bind CT with name, it allows to use name instead of CT ID.  The valid symbols for name are [0-9][aA-Zz][ -_.]
    	   and all international symbols.
           --description desc
    	   Assign description for CT. It can be viewed by vzlist(8) utility.
           Network related parameters
           --ipadd addr[/mask
    	   Adds the IP address and subnet mask for the Container. To assign network masks to Containers operating in the
    	   venet0  mode,  the  USE_VENET_MASK  parameter  in  the Parallels Containers configuration file must be set to
    	   "yes". Note that this option is incremental, so addr are added to already existing ones.
           --ipdel addr | all
    	   Removes IP address addr from CT. If you want to remove all addresses, use --ipdel all.
           --ext_ipadd addr
    	   Assign the external IP address to the Container. External IP addresses are considered valid IP  addresses  by
    	   the	venet0	adapter,  though they are not set as alias addresses inside Containers and are not announced via
    	   Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). You can assign the same external IP address to several  Containers,  irre‐
    	   spective of whether they reside on the same or different Hardware Nodes.
           --ext_ipdel addr
    	   Remove  the	external IP address from the Container. To delete all external IP addresses assigned to the Con‐
    	   tainer, use ext_ipdel all.
           --netif_add ifname[,mac,host_ifname,host_mac]
    	   Adds virtual ethernet device to given CT. Where ifname is ethernet  device  name  in	 the  CT,  mac	its  MAC
    	   address,  host_ifname  is  ethernet	device name on the host and host_mac its MAC address.  MAC addresses has
    	   format like XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. All parameters except ifname are option and  automatically  generated	 if  not
    	   Per-interface configuration.
    	   To select the interface to configure, use --ifname name option.
    	   --mac XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX - MAC address of interface inside CT
    	   --host_ifname name - interface name for virtual interface on host server
    	   --host_mac XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX - MAC address of interface on host server
    	   --gw ipaddr - default IPv4 gateway for interface
    	   --gw6 ipaddr - default IPv6 gateway for interface
    	   --ipadd ipaddr - add IP address(es) to interface
    	   --ipdel ipaddr - delete IP address(es) from interface
    	   --dhcp yes|no - turn on/off IPv4 dhcp
    	   --dhcp6 yes|no - turn on/off IPv6 dhcp
    	   --configure	none|all - apply/ignore the network settings (gw,ip,dhcp) from the Container configuration file.
    	   Configuring any of the network settings automatically sets this option to "all".
    	   --network id - connect virtual interface to virtual network with the given id.  The valid symbols for network
    	   are [0-9][aA-Zz][ -_.#()] and all international symbols.
    	   --mac_filter	 on|off - enable/disable packets filtering by MAC address and MAC changing on veth device inside
           --netif_del dev_name
    	   Removes virtual ethernet device from CT.
           --hostname name
    	   Sets CT hostname and writes it to the appropriate file inside CT (distribution-dependent).
           --nameserver addr
    	   Sets DNS server IP address for CT. If you want to set several nameservers, you should do it at once,	 so  use
    	   --nameserver	 option multiple times in one call to vzctl, as all the name server values set in previous calls
    	   to vzctl gets overwritten.
           --searchdomain name
    	   Sets DNS search domains for CT. If you want to set several search domains, you should do it at once,	 so  use
    	   --searchdomain  option  multiple  times in one call to vzctl, as all the search domain values set in previous
    	   calls to vzctl gets overwritten.
           Resource limits
    	   The following options sets barrier and limit for various user beancounters.	Each option requires  one
    	   or  two arguments. In case of one argument, vzctl sets barrier and limit to the same value. In case of
    	   two colon-separated arguments, the first is a barrier, and the second is a limit.
    	   Arguments are in items, pages or bytes. Note that the page size is architecture-specific, it	 is  4096
    	   bytes on IA32 platform.
    	   There  is  an ability to accept different suffixes for set parameters (except the parameters that name
    	   started with num).  E.g. vzctl set XXX  --privvmpages  5M:6M	 should	 set  privvmpages  barrier  to	5
    	   megabytes and limit to 6 megabytes.
    	   Available suffixes are:
    	   t, T -- terabytes
    	   g, G -- gigabytes
    	   m, M -- megabytes
    	   k, K -- kilobytes
    	   p, P -- pages (page is 4096 bytes on x86 architecture, other arches may differ)
           -p, --numproc items[:items]
    	   Maximum  number of processes and kernel-level threads.  Setting the barrier and the limit to different
    	   values does not make practical sense.
           --vmguarpages pages[:pages]
    	   Memory allocation guarantee. This parameter controls how much memory is available to CT.  The  barrier
    	   is  the amount of memory that CT's applications are guaranteed to be able to allocate.  The meaning of
    	   the limit is currently unspecified; it should be set to 2,147,483,647.
           -l, --lockedpages pages[:pages]
    	   Maximum number of pages acquired by mlock(2).
           --privvmpages pages[:pages]
    	   Allows controlling the amount of  memory  allocated	by  the	 applications.	 For  shared  (mapped  as
    	   MAP_SHARED) pages, each CT really using a memory page is charged for the fraction of the page (depend‐
    	   ing on the number of others using it). For "potentially private" pages (mapped as MAP_PRIVATE), CT  is
    	   charged  either for a fraction of the size or for the full size if the allocated address space. It the
    	   latter case, the physical pages associated with the allocated address space may be in memory, in  swap
    	   or not physically allocated yet.
    	   The	barrier and the limit of this parameter control the upper boundary of the total size of allocated
    	   memory. Note that this upper boundary does not guarantee that CT will be able to  allocate  that  much
    	   memory. The primary mechanism to control memory allocation is the --vmguarpages guarantee.
           --shmpages pages[:pages]
    	   Maximum  IPC	 SHM  segment  size.  Setting the barrier and the limit to different values does not make
    	   practical sense.
           -n, --numfile items[:items]
    	   Maximum number of open files.  Setting the barrier and the limit to different  values  does	not  make
    	   practical sense.
           -f, --numflock items[:items]
    	   Maximum number of file locks. Safety gap should be between barrier and limit.
           -t, --numpty items[:items]
    	   Number  of pseudo-terminals (PTY). Note that in OpenVZ each CT can have no more than 255 PTYs. Setting
    	   the barrier and the limit to different values does not make practical sense.
           -i, --numsiginfo items[:items]
    	   Number of siginfo structures.  Setting the barrier and the limit to different  values  does	not  make
    	   practical sense.
           -e, --numiptent num[:num]
    	   Number  of  iptables	 (netfilter) entries.  Setting the barrier and the limit to different values does
    	   not make practical sense.
           --physpages pages[:pages]
    	   This parameter limits the physical memory (RAM) available to processes inside a container.	The  bar‐
    	   rier is ignored, and the limit sets the limit.
           --swappages pages[:pages]
    	   This	 parameter  limits  the amount of swap space that can be allocated to processes running in a Con‐
           --ram bytes
    	   The amount of RAM that can be used by the processes of a Container, in bytes. You can use the  follow‐
    	   ing suffixes to set RAM in other measurement units:
    	   k, K -- kilobytes
    	   m, M -- megabytes
    	   g, G -- gigabytes
    	   t, T -- terabytes
           --swap bytes
    	   The	amount	of  swap  space that can be used by the Container for swapping out memory once the RAM is
    	   exceeded, in bytes. You can use the following suffixes to set swap in other measurement units:
    	   k, K -- kilobytes
    	   m, M -- megabytes
    	   g, G -- gigabytes
    	   t, T -- terabytes
           --vm_overcommit N
    	   This parameter controls the memory allocation guarantee. It is calculated as (physpages + swappages) *
    	   N. By default, the parameter is equal to 1.
           CPU fair scheduler parameters
    	   These parameters control CPU usage by CT.
           --cpuunits num
    	   sets	 CPU weight for CT. Argument is positive non-zero number, which passed to and used in kernel fair
    	   scheduler. The larger the number is, the more CPU time this CT get. Maximum value is	 500000,  minimal
    	   is  8.  Number  is relative to weights of all the other running CTs. If cpuunits not specified default
    	   values are used (250 for CT belong to first class, 1000 for CT belong to second class)
    	   You can set CPU weight for host server itself as well (use vzctl set 0 --cpuunits num).
           --cpulimit num
    	   Sets the CPU limit, in percent or megahertz (MHz),  the  Container  is  not	allowed	 to  exceed.   By
    	   default, the limit is set in percent. To specify the limit in MHz, specify "m" after the value.  Note:
    	   If the computer has 2 CPUs, the total CPU time equals 200%.
           --cpus num
    	   sets number of CPUs available in the CT.
           --cpumask {N[,N][N-N]|all|auto}
    	   Defines the CPUs on the physical server to use for executing the processes running in the Container. A
    	   CPU	affinity  mask can be a single CPU number or a CPU range separated by commas (0,2,3-10).  If used
    	   with the --nodemask option, value of auto automatically assigns to a Container all CPUs from the spec‐
    	   ified NUMA node. Without the --nodemask option, it applies the default settings to a Container.
           --nodemask {N[,N][N-N]|all}
    	   Defines  the	 NUMA  node on the physical server to use for executing the processes running in the Con‐
    	   tainer. A node mask can be a single number or a range separated by commas (0,2,3-10).  --nodemask must
    	   be used with the --cpumask option.
           --iptables name[,...]
    	   Restrict  access  to iptable modules inside CT (by default modules defined in the IPTABLES variable in
    	   the global configuration file vz.conf(5) are accessible inside CT).	Multiple  comma-separated  values
    	   can be specified.
    	   You	can  use the following values for name: iptable_filter, iptable_mangle, ipt_limit, ipt_multiport,
    	   ipt_tos, ipt_TOS, ipt_REJECT, ipt_TCPMSS,  ipt_tcpmss,  ipt_ttl,  ipt_LOG,  ipt_length,  ip_conntrack,
    	   ip_conntrack_ftp,  ip_conntrack_irc,	 ipt_conntrack,	 ipt_state,  ipt_helper, iptable_nat, ip_nat_ftp,
    	   ip_nat_irc, ipt_owner.
           --netfilter mode
    	   Restrict access to iptables modules inside the Container.  The following modes are available:
    	   disabled  -- no modules are allowed.
    	   stateless -- (default) all modules except NAT and conntracks are allowed.
    	   stateful  -- all modules except NAT are allowed.
    	   full -- all modules are allowed.
           Network devices	control parameters
           --netdev_add name
    	   move network device from host server to specified CT
           --netdev_del name
    	   delete network device from specified CT
           Disk quota parameters
           --diskspace num[:num]
    	   Sets soft and hard disk quotas, in blocks. First parameter is soft quota, second is	hard  quota.  One
    	   block is currently equal to 1Kb.
           --quotaugidlimit num
    	   sets	 maximum  number  of  user/group  IDs in CT for which disk quota in CT will be accounted. If this
    	   value is set to 0, user and group quotas will not be accounted inside CT.
    	   Note that if you have previously set value of this parameter to 0, changing it  while  CT  is  running
    	   will	 not  take  effect.   --jquota on|off Enables or disables journaled user/group quota for a ploop-
    	   based Container.  Journaled quota is enabled by default.
           Traffic shaping parameters
           --rate dev:class:Kbits
    	   Sets CT output bandwidth over specified network interface for specified traffic class. Traffic classes
    	   must be described in networks_classes(5) file.
           --ratebound yes|no
    	   If  this parameter is set to yes then CT output bandwidth specified by --rate option will be bandwidth
    	   limit and guarantee. Otherwise --rate sets CT output bandwidth guarantee for traffic and limit is  set
    	   by TOTALRATE global option.
           Mount option
           --noatime yes|no
    	   Sets	 noatime  flag	(do  not  update  inode access times) on file system.  Default is yes for CT with
    	   class_id=1, otherwise no.
           --mount_opts opt[,opt]
    	   Specify the set of mount options for ploop-based Containers.	 The supported options	are  pfcache_csum
    	   (enables the cached ext4 file system) and nopfcache_csum (disables the cached ext4 file system).
           --bindmount_add [src:]dst[,nosuid,noexec,nodev]
    	   On  CT  start directory src will be mounted under CT $VE_ROOT/dst.  If the src directory is not speci‐
    	   fied, it is created under $VE_PRIVATE/mnt/dst with permissions taken from CT $VE_ROOT/dst.
           --bindmount_del dst|all
    	   Remove directory dst from config file
           Device access management
           --devnodes device:r|w|rw|none
    	   Give access (r - read, w - write, rw - read/write, none - no access) to special file /dev/device  from
           I/O priority management
           --ioprio priority
    	   Assigns  I/O	 priority  to  CT. Priority range is 0-7.  The greater priority is, the more time for I/O
    	   activity CT has.  By default each CT has priority of 4.
           --iolimit limit[B|K|M|G]
    	   Assigns I/O limit to CT. If no suffix is provided, the value is assumed to be  in  bytes  per  second.
    	   Available suffixes are:
    	   b, B -- bytes
    	   k, K -- kilobytes
    	   m, M -- megabytes
    	   g, G -- gigabytes
    	   t, T -- terabytes
    	   By default each CT has limit of 0 (unlimited).  The maximum disk I/O bandwidth limit you can set for a
    	   Container is 2 GB per second.
           --iopslimit limit
    	   Assigns Input/Output Operations Per Second limit to CT.
           Features management
           --features name:on|off[,...]
    	   Enable/disable feature for CT. Supported features are: nfs, ipip, sit, ppp, ipgre, bridge, nfsd.  Mul‐
    	   tiple comma-separated values can be specified.
           PCI device management
           --pci_add [domain:]bus:slot.func
    	   Give	 the  container	 an access to a PCI device. All numbers are hexadecimal as printed by lspci(8) in
    	   the first column.
           --pci_del [domain:]bus:slot.func
    	   Delete PCI device from the container.
           Apply config
           --applyconfig name
    	   Read CT parameters from CT sample configuration file /etc/vz/conf/ve-name.conf-sample, and apply them,
    	   if --save option specified save to CT config file. The following parameters are not changed: HOSTNAME,
           High Availability Cluster
           --ha_enable yes|no
    	   Adds the Container to (yes) or removes it (no) from the High Availability  Cluster.	By  default,  the
    	   parameter is set to yes.
           --ha_prio number
    	   Sets	 the  Container	 priority in the High Availability Cluster. Containers with a higher priority are
    	   restarted first in the case of a system  failure.  If  the  parameter  is  not  set	for  a	Container
    	   (default), it has the lowest priority and is restarted after all Containers with any priorities set.
       Performing CT actions
           create  ctid  [--ostemplate name] [--config name] [--private path] [--root path] [--name name] [--descrip‐
           tion desc] [--force]
    	   Creates CT area. This operation should be done once, before the first startup of CT.
    	   If the --config name option is specified, values  from  example  configuration  file	 /etc/vz/conf/ve-
    	   name.conf-sample  are put into CT configuration file. If CT configuration file already exists, it will
    	   be removed.
    	   You can use --root path option to sets the path to the mount point for CT root directory  (default  is
    	   VE_ROOT specified in vz(5) file). Argument can contain literal string $VEID, which will be substituted
    	   with numeric CT ID.
    	   You can use --private path option to set the path to directory in which all the files and  directories
    	   specific to this very CT are stored (default is VE_PRIVATE specified in vz(5) file). Argument can con‐
    	   tain literal string $VEID, which will be substituted with numeric CT ID.
    	   You can use the --force option to create a Container if your storage/disk drive has less than 10 GB of
    	   free disk space.
           destroy|delete ctid
    	   Removes  CT	private	 area  by deleting all files, directories and configuration file of this CT. Also
    	   delete command can be used as alias for destroy.
           start ctid [--wait] [--skip-fsck]
    	   Mounts (if necessary) and starts CT, if  --wait  option  specified  wait  until  default  runlevel  is
    	   entered. If the --skip-fsck option is specified, the filesystem check will be skipped.
           stop ctid [--fast] [--skip-umount]
    	   Stops the Container and unmounts it (unless --skip-umount is given).
    	   Normally,  to  stop	a  Container, halt(8) is executed inside; option --fast makes vzctl use reboot(2)
    	   syscall instead which is faster but can lead to unclean Container shutdown.
           restart ctid [--wait]
    	   Restart CT, stop if running and start. if --wait option  specified  wait  until  default  runlevel  is
           status ctid
    	   Shows CT status. Basically this is a line with five or six words separated by spaces.
    	   First word is literally VEID.
    	   Second word is numeric CT ID.
    	   Third word is showing whether CT exists or not, it can be either exist or deleted.
    	   Fourth word is showing the status of CT filesystem, it can be either mounted or unmounted.
    	   Fifth word shows if CT is running, it can be either running or down.
    	   Sixth  word,	 if  exists,  is suspended. It appears if a dump file exists for a stopped container (see
    	   This command can also be usable from scripts.
           mount ctid
    	   Mounts CT private area.
           umount ctid
    	   Unmounts CT private area. Note that stop does umount automatically.
           exec ctid command
    	   Executes command in CT. Environment variables are not set inside CT.	 Signal handlers may differ  from
    	   default settings. If command is -, commands are read from stdin.
           exec2 ctid command
    	   The same as exec, but return code is that of command.
           enter ctid
    	   Enters into CT. This option is a back-door for host root only.
           console ctid [-s|--start] [N]
    	   Attach  to the Container's console tty number N.  If N is not specified, 2 (i.e. tty2) is used.  Use 1
    	   to attach to Container's system console, see log messages from init	etc.   Note  that  you	can  even
    	   attach to a console if a Container is not yet running.  To exit from the console, press "Esc" then "."
    	   (note this sequence is only recognized after Enter).
    	   If option --start is given, vzctl doesn't attach to a console, instead it starts getty for ttyN.  Usu‐
    	   ally, getty is preconfigured to start on tty1 and tty2 only.
           reinstall ctid [--skipbackup] [--resetpwdb] [--scripts script] [--skipscripts] [--vzpkg_opts opts]
    	   The	reinstall  command  creates  a new private area, installs all applications, copies CT credentials
    	   from the old CT (unless --resetpwdb is given), and moves old CT private area to /old directory (unless
    	   --skipbackup option is given).  To customize the reinstall process, two scripts should be created. The
    	   first one, vps.reinstall, creates a new private area. If this script exits with exit code of	 128,  it
    	   indicates  that  standard  reinstall	 procedure will be done. The second script, vps.configure, is run
    	   inside CT there the old CT is mounted under '/old' directory.
           reinstall ctid [--listscripts] [--desc]
    	   List reinstall scripts if --desc option specified output description.
           runscript ctid
    	   Run the specified shell script in the Container. For a running Container, the command jumps	into  the
    	   Container  and runs the script.  For a stopped Container, it enters the Container, mounts the root (/)
    	   filesystem, and executes the script. In this case, only a process for the vzctl session,  the  script,
    	   and processes launched by the script are running in the Container.
           monitor ctid | 0
    	   Display  in	real-time  actions or events for ctid.	In case ctid is 0, display actions and events for
    	   all CTs. Valid only on 2.6 kernel.
           convert ctid
    	   In OpenVZ, Containers use the new layout. The convert command converts a Container from the old layout
    	   to a new one.
           register path ctid [--force
    	   Register  the  Container using the configuration file path/ve.conf and having ID ctid.  If the --force
    	   option is specified, all validation checks will be skipped.
           unregister ctid|name
    	   Unregister the specified Container.
           Checkpointing is an extension of OpenVZ kernel 2.6 which allows to save full state of running  CT  and  to
           restore it later.
           suspend ctid
    	      This  command saves all the state of running CT to a dump file and stops the CT.	The dump files is
    	      named /VE_PRIVATE/dump/Dump.
           resume ctid [--skip-fsck]
    	      This command restores CT from dump file created by suspend command.  The start  or  resume  actions
    	      will  invalidate	dump  file  so	it  will be removed.  If the --skip-fsck option is specified, the
    	      filesystem check will be skipped.
           Snapshotting is a feature based on checkpointing and ploop shapshots.  It allows to save a complete  state
           of  container  file system. Plus, if the container is running, it's in-memory state (as in checkpointing).
           Note that snapshot functionality is only working for containers on ploop device.
           snapshot CTID [--id uuid]
    	      Creates a container snapshot. If uuid is not specified, it is auto-generated.  If	 a  container  is
    	      running, it's checkpointed and then restored. If a container is not running, only file system state
    	      is saved.
           snapshot-switch CTID --id uuid
    	      Switches the container to a snapshot identified by uuid.	Note that the current container state and
    	      its  file	 system state is lost!	If given snapshot contains CT memory dump, it is restored, other‐
    	      wise it is stopped.
           snapshot-delete CTID --id uuid
    	      Removes a specified snapshot.
           snapshot-mount CTID --id uuid --target path
    	      Mounts a snapshot specified by uuid to path. Note that this is read-only mount.
           snapshot-umount CTID --id uuid
    	      Unmounts the snapshot specified by uuid.
           snapshot-list CTID [-H] [-o field[,field...] [--id uuid]
    	      Lists all snapshots. Active snapshot is marked with * sign.
    	      You can suppress displaying header using -H option.
    	      You can use the -o option to display only the specified field(s).	 List of available fields can  be
    	      obtained using -L option.
       Other options
    	   Prints help message with a brief list of possible options.
    	   Prints vzctl version.
           vzctl returns 0 upon successful execution. If something goes wrong, it returns an appropriate error code.
       System errors
           1      Setting UBC parameters failed
           2      Setting fair scheduler parameters failed
           3      System error
           4      Not enough memory error
           5      Kernel does not have support for CT, or some VZ modules are not loaded
           6      Not enough system resources
           7      Creation of the virtual server failed
           8      Command run by vzctl exec returned non-zero exit status
           9      CT is locked by another vzctl operation
           10     Global configuration file not found
           14     CT configuration file not found
           11     One of vzctl helper scripts not found
           12     VZ license not loaded, or invalid class ID
       Parameter errors
           20     Invalid command line parameter
           21     Invalid value for command line parameter
           22     CT root directory is not set
           23     CT private directory is not set
           24     CT template directory is not set
           25     Traffic shaping parameter RATE is not set
           26     Traffic shaping parameter TOTALRATE is not set
           27     Not all needed parameters set, unable to start CT
           28     Not all UBC parameters set, unable to start CT
           29     Package set parameter is not specified during create
           30     Traffic shaping parameter BANDWIDTH is not set
           76     Class ID is not set
           77     Lock dir is not set
           133    Failed to setup CT start wait functionality
       CT errors
           31     CT is not running
           32     CT is already running
           33     Unable to stop CT
           79     Per CT action script returned with error
           85     CT config file contain invalid data (belong to diferent config versions)
           105    CT start disabled
           140    Failed to register CT
           141    CT owner check failed
           142    Failed to unregister CT
       File system errors
           40     CT area is not mounted
           41     CT area is mounted, can not destroy CT area
           43     CT private area does not exist
           44     CT private area already exists
           46     Not enough disk space
           47     CT private area is not created properly
           48     Can not create new CT private area
           49     Can not create mount point
           50     Can not mount CT private area
           51     Can not umount CT private area
           52     Error deleting CT private area
           53     Unknown mount type
           54     Can not create directory
           56     Unsupported /sbin/init
           82     Can't copy sample config file, or sample config file not exist
       Disk quota errors
           60     Error during "quota on" operation
           66     Error during "quota off" operation
           61     Error during "quota init" operation
           62     Error during "quota set" operation
           67     Ugid quota can not be turned ON on mounted CT. It must be initialized first.
           63     Can not init quota - disk space limit is not set
           64     Can not init quota - disk inode limit is not set
           65     Can not set ugid quota limit
       Errors of vzctl set
           70     Invalid host name
           71     Invalid IP address
           72     Invalid DNS server address
           73     Invalid DNS domain name
           74     Error changing password
           34     Error adding IP address
           78     IP address already in use
           106    Error setting iptables parameter
           135    Error setting meminfo parameter
           137    Can not set CT name
           146    Error setting cpumask parameter
           147    Unable to configure PCI device
           148    Error setting IO parameters
           149    Error setting nodemask parameter
       Traffic shaping error
           80     Can not set up traffic shaping
       Traffic accounting error
           81     Can not set up traffic accounting
       Template error
           91     Private area tarball not found.
           87     Unable to install applications.
       Reinstall error
           93     Unable to get installed packages
           94     Reinstall error
           55     Not enough quota limits to create temporary CT
       Checkpointing error
           16     Checkpoint error
           17     Restore error
       Ploop errors
           151    Failed to create ploop image
           152    Failed to mount ploop image
           153    Failed to unmount ploop image
           154    Failed to resize ploop image
           155    Failed to convert CT to ploop
           156    Failed to create ploop snapshot
           157    Failed to merge ploop snapshots
           158    Failed to delete ploop snapshot
           159    Failed to switch to snapshot
           160    Failed to mount ploop snapshot
           To create and start "light" CT with ID 1000 using centos-6 package set, and IP address
    	    vzctl create 1000 --ostemplate centos-6 --config light
    	    vzctl set 1000 --ipadd --save
    	    vzctl start 1000
    	To set number of processes barrier/limit to 80/100 processes and PTY barrier/limit to 16/20 PTYs:
    	    vzctl set 1000 --numproc 80:100 -t 16:20 --save
           To execute command ls -la in this CT:
    	    vzctl exec 1000 /bin/ls -la
           To execute command pipe ls -l / | sort in this CT:
    	    vzctl exec 1000 /bin/sh -c 'ls -l / | sort'
           To stop this CT:
    	    vzctl stop 1000
           To permanently remove this CT:
    	    vzctl destroy 1000
           vz(5), ve.conf(5), networks_classes(5), vzquota(8), vzcreate(8), vz-start(5), vz-stop(5).
           Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All rights reserved.
    OpenVZ							May 2011						vzctl(8)

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