openssl asn1parse -help

  • Parse an ASN.1 sequence.

    $ openssl asn1parse -help
    Usage: asn1parse [options]
    Valid options are:
     -help            Display this summary
     -inform PEM|DER  input format - one of DER PEM
     -in infile       input file
     -out outfile     output file (output format is always DER)
     -i               indents the output
     -noout           do not produce any output
     -offset +int     offset into file
     -length +int     length of section in file
     -oid infile      file of extra oid definitions
     -dump            unknown data in hex form
     -dlimit +int     dump the first arg bytes of unknown data in hex form
     -strparse +int   offset; a series of these can be used to 'dig'
                      into multiple ASN1 blob wrappings
     -genstr val      string to generate ASN1 structure from
     -genconf val     file to generate ASN1 structure from
                      (-inform  will be ignored)
     -strictpem       do not attempt base64 decode outside PEM markers
     -item val        item to parse and print

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