How do i use the if/elif/else conditional statements in bash shell scripts?

  • Also see: How do i use the if/else conditional statements in bash shell scripts?

    Here is the structure for if/elif/else conditionals.

    if condition; then 
    elif condition; then 

    Using the same script in How do i use the if/else conditional statements in bash shell scripts? we will expand on it.

    Let's add a condition to check if the directory exists. The ! not in the elif can be within the square bracket or outside.

    if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
       echo "You must specify a directory name"
       echo "Usage: $0 <directoryname>"
       exit 1
    elif ! [ -d $1 ]; then
       echo "That directory does not exist"
       du -sh $1

    Test all conditions.

    Run script as normal

    $ ./ /home/trainer/bin
    26M	/home/trainer/bin

    Run script with directory that does not exist.

    $ ./ /home/trainer/bino
    That directory does not exist

    Run script without a positional parameter.

    $ ./
    You must specify a directory name
    Usage: ./ <directoryname>

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