How do i sort a perl array?

  • Use the sort operator of course.

    Here we sort the @animals array. You can see the output is in sorted order.

    @animals = ("lion", "tiger", "bear", "monkey");
    @gobackwards = sort(@animals);
    foreach $animal (@gobackwards) {
            $n += 1;
            print "Hello, my name is $animal and I'm an animal, in the 100m sprint 
    my number is $n\n";

    Results is:
    Hello, my name is bear and I'm an animal, in the 100m sprint my number is 1
    Hello, my name is lion and I'm an animal, in the 100m sprint my number is 2
    Hello, my name is monkey and I'm an animal, in the 100m sprint my number is 3
    Hello, my name is tiger and I'm an animal, in the 100m sprint my number is 4

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