How do i display full information on a kubernetes service?

  • We can use the kubectl describe command to display full information on a kubernetes service.

    Also see:

    $ kubectl describe svc web-service    
    Name:                     web-service
    Namespace:                default
    Labels:                   run=web-service
    Annotations:              <none>
    Selector:                 app=nginx
    Type:                     NodePort
    Port:                     <unset>  80/TCP
    TargetPort:               80/TCP
    NodePort:                 <unset>  30862/TCP
    Endpoints:      ,,
    Session Affinity:         None
    External Traffic Policy:  Cluster
    Events:                   <none>

    Here we see NodePort 30862 maps to port 80. The selector is app=nginx, and the three endpoints.

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