oc new-project

  • oc new-project
    Create a new project for yourself 
    If your administrator allows self-service, this command will create a new
    project for you and assign you as the project admin. 
    After your project is created it will become the default project in your config.
      oc new-project NAME [--display-name=DISPLAYNAME] [--description=DESCRIPTION]
      # Create a new project with minimal information
      oc new-project web-team-dev
      # Create a new project with a display name and description
      oc new-project web-team-dev --display-name="Web Team Development"
    --description="Development project for the web team."
          --description='': Project description
          --display-name='': Project display name
          --skip-config-write=false: If true, the project will not be set as a
    cluster entry in kubeconfig after being created
    Use "oc options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all

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