builtin help pushd

  • pushd: pushd [-n] [+N | -N | dir]
        Add directories to stack.
        Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack, or rotates
        the stack, making the new top of the stack the current working
        directory.  With no arguments, exchanges the top two directories.
          -n        Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding
            directories to the stack, so only the stack is manipulated.
          +N        Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting
            from the left of the list shown by `dirs', starting with
            zero) is at the top.
          -N        Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory (counting
            from the right of the list shown by `dirs', starting with
            zero) is at the top.
          dir       Adds DIR to the directory stack at the top, making it the
            new current working directory.
        The `dirs' builtin displays the directory stack.
        Exit Status:
        Returns success unless an invalid argument is supplied or the directory
        change fails.

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