All Systems Are Failing!


The distance between nature and humanity is increasing, with most of humanity living in a separate existence to nature. We seem to have forgotten that we are a part of nature but have gradually become more and more distant from it. We have a mutual relationship with it. We are nature, and nature is us..

Our deepest heartfelt feelings go out to anyone affected by any of the issues discussed in this article.
External links are provided only for informational purposes, there are absolutely no brand promotions or affiliations.


Sound clip and images from a previous article Stop and Wake Up. It is necessary to reiterate this message in this context. Carl Sagan talks about "The pale blue dot." Compared to the vastness of space, The Earth is only a small dot. When reading this article, visualize Carl Sagan's message. It completely applies to this article. A small group of people that formulate the rules that we live by, all seeking their day of glory.

We merely need to look at the state of the planet today and the immense dissatisfaction people have with their leaders. The present system is not working. The issues we see in society are not a mistake, and they didn't happen unexpectedly. It's the result of decades of poor policies from various governments around the world. The transition from one government to another merely compounds the issues.


Carl Edward Sagan (Nov 1934 - Dec 1996) - Pale Blue Dot. 1994

A Small Section Of Space

An extremely small section of space

These series of articles are not composed to embarrass or disrespect anyone, but merely to highlight the reality of the present situation. There are deep divisions of wealth in our society, and this has caused inequality. People at the upper end of the class system have financial security; this provides reassurance of being able to weather any financial downturn, and people in this fortunate position are conceited. This does not necessarily imply a lack of concern or generosity. A related article: World Economic Forum - 2016. More about classes is written in our article Financial Systems.

Systems & Classes


An unfair system - The few controlling the many.

As a government, we place our faith in a small group of people to give us a world worth living in, but what do we have instead? A government's decisions can wreak havoc in people's lives, and this is presumably some kind of Freedom? Regardless of the country, How would you answer the following question? Are you satisfied with your government? A related article: Global dissatisfaction with-democracy at a record high research says

Governments care so much about their citizens...?

In the class system diagram above, the highlighted rectangle signifies people who have financial security, and they will naturally have a promising outlook on the world.  A certain air of confidence that only the security of wealth can bring. This means they can be largely impartial about government policies, maybe except for the ones regarding their taxes. To make it clear, this article is not just referring to billionaires and millionaires; it refers to anyone who will never have financial worries throughout their lives. If we are going to look at inequality, we need to mention all aspects of it. It's all relative; for instance, to a homeless person, a rich middle-class person is seen as a millionaire. The reality is that there is huge inequality throughout the so-called 99%. Most wealthy people enjoy the luxury of seeing politics as a pastime. For the rest of us, politics is something that hugely affects our lives, mainly in a negative way. When the extremely wealthy people who have exhausted ways to consume money and buy expensive assets have lost their thrill. They will seek new adventures. Some may develop space rockets and other innovations, and others may try their hand at politics. See the third scale on the class system illustration; one end of the scale has limitless options and the other has limited options.

Government Systems

What's wrong with world government systems?

Naturally, other than most people working for the government or those benefiting from government tax rules, almost everyone will be thinking, Everything!

When do we first learn about government?

Many of us first begin to understand governments around high school age. Unless students have a particular interest in politics, they generally do not take an interest in governments and political policies, but they understand the basic structure of their government.

Later in life, when individuals start university or their first job, they begin to understand the impact a government has on their lives. It could be learning how financial aid, university funding, or regulations work and how their government plays a part in these things. Individuals in employment learn rapidly that half the money they earn goes into paying taxes. Others find out about the "wonderful world" of social welfare systems. It is around this time that most of us form opinions about various political parties and policies. Related article: Faith in democracy: Millennials are most disillusioned.

Put the blindfold on and make a decision.

Citizens base their political votes on different political policies, and individuals decide which party will create the best society to live in. There are no guarantees that promises made by governments will become a reality, but individuals decide based on policies made by a political party, and unfortunately, some individuals base their vote solely on the candidate's charisma. Votes are generally decided on the following core areas: education, health, immigration, economy, welfare, jobs, housing, defense, and the environment.

There's a certain level of probability that the elected leader will deliver on some policies, and individuals may get a fraction of the future they hope for. This can be compared to something else, and that's called gambling. To look at it another way, selecting a political party is gambling on your future. A political party committed to bringing in transformational policies to give us that glorious future, if you elect them. Individuals vote for them, but there is no guarantee they will live up to their commitments. What if there was a way to ensure our future?

It's different this time...?

People have been deceived many times by failed government policies. It is baffling that people still think a new government will change things. A new leader promises everything, and that's another leader that fails to deliver on their promises. Throughout a person's life they may participate in many elections to select their political leader, but leaders never deliver on any of their political promises. In the last two years, particularly in 2020 and 2021, many individuals have had an awakening and are completely disillusioned by their government. The measure of political success and promises is determined by the present state of their country. It's because of the generosity of the public giving to charities that we see many people getting help with financial problems and other types of help. We can only imagine the situation if this help were not available. If the government is functioning efficiently, there would be little need for charities.


Governments have existed for centuries, and this has been the method for managing societies. Under colonial rule, a style of government was enforced on other nations. After independence, many countries continued using a slightly modified government structure. In the modern era, citizens do not really care so much about the type of government but rather about governments creating prosperity.

Governments are steeped in tradition, and many methods used to govern are outdated. Many citizens are ready for a new format and a modern style. This does not imply traditions should be forgotten; they should be reserved for historic knowledge.

Continual change to the detriment of the public.

Legislation and regulations created by various political parties change continually over time with new leadership. New leadership typically means reversing all the policies of the previous leadership. All this occurs throughout a person's life, and people have to constantly go through the turmoil of changing policies and regulations.

We're too busy competing with each other to get things resolved.

All parties want to resolve social problems by trying to outdo the opposition; this convolutes and adds further confusion to a process that is already not functioning properly.

The amount of time consumed in an election is huge, and half the citizens have no idea what various political parties represent. More importantly, after being elected leaders, regardless of policies, leaders rarely deliver on commitments made during the election campaign. In essence, it's just a popularity contest that citizens are voting for.

The amount of time wasted around elections to elect the next government leader, the campaigning, the paperwork, the postal voting, and the trip to the ballot office After all that's done, there are days of shifting and sorting through votes and waiting for disputes to be resolved before the results are confirmed.

Don't like the current policies? don't worry by the time you've adapted to them, they'll change.

The policies, regulations, and legislation of one political party are in place for only enough time for the leader to try and establish a legacy for themselves. The ultimate outcome of this is that society has to follow new rules frequently.

While citizens are deciding which political parties deserve their loyalty and are being entertained in the process. The entertainment is the gossip. Who said what to whom? in the newspapers, on social media, and in other types of media. It's become another form of entertainment. Keeping up with soap drama gossip or political gossip—these days, there's not much difference.

It's one big club, and you're not in it.

Corruption and influence in political parties by wealthy individuals or organizations can shift the direction of political power.

Government officials and CEOs of big organizations shouldn't influence each other's roles for their own benefit. The purpose of a government is to work for the public and in the public interest. In fact, in reality, the public works for the government, and in the process, governments squeeze every penny out of those trying to keep their heads above water and finding new ways to increase taxes or create new ones. If governments were functioning properly, their balance sheets wouldn't look so bad.

Confusing Processes.

Filling out a government form might go something like this; Fill out Section 2 if Section 5 of the first form applies; otherwise, go to the second form on the xyz website and fill out Sections 8, 9, and 11. Return all documents with the completed Form 3 only if Section 2.5 of the first form applies to you. Read the notes on Page 86 if this applies to you.

Governments establish groups of people, task forces, subdivisions, and committees to look into various issues. These groups may go on to create various regulations and processes, and some of these change too frequently, and people are expected to follow these processes, but are often left confused.

Anyone who has used government websites will understand when they are compared to a labyrinth. These websites generally give the impression they don't want you to get anything done, and after hours of being frustrated, you'll just give up and leave. A related article, W3C providing some guidance (2009): Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web Things may have improved a little in a decade, but it is still not a great user experience.

Governments are kings of complexity.

The number of government departments and regulatory agencies has grown over the years, adding further complexity to managing societies. When there are disputes with any group associated with the government, they provide some kind of intermediary to help solve problems with organizations; these intermediaries are normally part of the government and are funded by the very service complaints are being raised against, and hence the decision between public complaints and the service in question is always going to be one-sided and unfair.

A government's logic in solving problems is usually to start a new subdivision and throw people at the problem in the form of regulatory agencies to handle complaints from the public for various services; these services have so-called intermediaries, sometimes called Ombudsman.The Ombudsman Service is put in place to be impartial on public complaints. This rarely happens because the Ombudsman services are financed by the regulatory agencies, and the regulations are formulated so they work in favor of the particular service. This end result is that regulatory agencies and Ombudsman services exist to show the public there is some kind of regulation on organizations, when in reality the regulations are designed to help organizations rather than the public. We The public, are little fish with no power and no control over the all-controlling and powerful regulatory agencies.

The human ability to think is the biggest of all double-edged swords.

Social welfare systems are one of the most demeaning experiences a person can go through; the level of scrutiny into people's circumstances is degrading. We mentioned class systems because it's people in the middle to lower end of classes that depend on this service. Social welfare is primarily for people facing hardships in their lives and requiring help from their government. The demand on the welfare system has been significantly higher in recent years (2020, 2021), but over the last 14 years, people needing help from social welfare have gradually risen. The increased demand for social welfare is a precise gauge of a country's prosperity. This is proportional to how well a country is being governed.

If governments managed societies perfectly, there would be equality in societies and no need for social welfare. Governments should focus more on people who need social welfare and health services. People turn to social welfare because various systems have failed them. Every single social welfare issue should be resolved before the focus shifts to improving other government services. A government's priority should always be the welfare of its people. This is entirely why governments exist. The polar opposite of this is the thoughtless spending of money on defense when many people in a nation are suffering.


This article is not simply about disliking governments because they tax people unfairly. It goes much deeper than this. We need a completely new structure that's not called government—something that does away with giving power and control to a small group of people that make decisions that affect millions of people's lives. It can no longer be that a small group decides things and the public accepts and blindly follows. Without any form of discrimination, the public should be making all decisions that impact their lives. Decisions should be made using a blockchain-based voting system. The public decides, and the administrative entity merely implements what the public decides.

Humans have created this governing control over people, this grip over people, which feels like a constant tapping on the shoulder. There is no denying that governing society through the use of governments means people are not one; the very creation of government is the division of people. With this in mind, we can plainly see the hypocrisy of statements such as We must all come together as one nation and We must remain united.

Technological innovation taken up by governing powers has only exacerbated the problem. Technical innovations are only good as long as they work for the benefit of the people and not against them. Technological innovations have led governments to take advantage of technology in an intrusive way. Making it all digital is for the benefit of the entity that created the process, not yours. See our related article: The Digital You & The Automation Of Everything.

Governments are a small group of people compared to the entire population of a country. This small group claims to be working for the public; their motto is, We're making a better society for you to live in. Is this why we have seen poverty increase over the years? Is this why we have seen homelessness increase over the years? Is this why the cost of living has gone up? Is this why people are earning less money? Is this why hospital staff are struggling? Is this why so many workers are so unhappy? Is this why crime is increasing? Is this why public infrastructure is crumbling? Is this why people are starving? Is this why rich companies are avoiding taxes? Is this why there are wars happening?

Government for the good of the people? How many government officials have experienced homelessness? How many government officials have experienced hunger? How many government officials have struggled with living costs? It's very easy to make decisions for the public when governments are too far removed from reality.

The problem is that governments make the policies for the people to follow but never have to use those policies themselves. Rarely are they at the receiving end of their own poor policies, and where money is involved, they are not at the receiving end of financial problems. Governments are quick to say there's help available for everyone who needs it. But government processes are so convoluted with red tape that people who need help do not want to jump through hoops and hurdles in an undignified way to potentially receive it. If the government of a country is doing the job given to them by their citizens, everyone should be financially secure or have some kind of security. Not even one citizen would have financial uncertainty; no one would be left homeless; everyone would be receiving the help they needed in one form or another.

Money can sway which political party gets into power. The policies put into place by a particular party might be financially favorable for the wealthy people in society; hence, there is inequality in societies, which creates tensions and further separates the classes. A related article: The Hill - 2022 - Democrats topped gop in raising spending "dark-money" from undisclosed donors.

The class system plays an integral role in voting. It's a system that's outdated. In an equal world, there would be no classes, and policies would be fair to everyone.

People believe they are having intelligent discussions about government policy, yet every political party has repeatedly let the public down. It just happens to be such a long time—around a decade—before a party shifts to a new one, but by that time they have another number of fresh voters who say, Let's give them a chance; they're new; they just got in. In reality, the same mess the previous party left things in the decade before will be repeated all over again, and this cycle has continued like this for a long time.

Instead of voting to pick a political leader. The public should vote on the big topics and questions using Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts. Voting could be based on different levels: district, towns and cities, regional, country, and world level. The idea is that voting occurs at a certain level for things that only affect that particular level. Things that affect the world level are decided by the world, for example. World vote No. 1: Stop all forest logging. We only need to look at social media platforms to see how desperately eager the public is to voice their options.

While you are trying to live your life by one set of rules, the next political leaders are trying to create a legacy for themselves. This would be admirable if they transformed society into something even slightly resembling a utopian society.

A large part of the problem is that we use languages to debate and try to reach agreement on government policies; languages leave huge room for misinterpretation. It seems like a waste of time and energy when political parties are trying to reach an agreement on policies. They have a common message, and they say they want what's good for the people. If this is true, then why not let the people decide on every issue? A different approach is long overdue; government methodologies for reaching consensus are outdated, and a new way of reaching consensus is required. A system of direct democracy (let the people be the decision-makers) by using Distributed Autonomous Government's (DAG's) based on Blockchain Technology. A related article (from an unlikely source, but there it is): Worldbank - 2021 - Blockchain technology has potential transform government.

The biggest problem with governments is the level of defense spending and the creation of wars. There's no such thing as a "just war" ☮ Countries with the most power have stockpiled the most weapons, fearful of attacks from other countries. The human race has not consciously progressed since civilizations began. The public can protest all day long, every day, but it has no say in the decisions that result in the deaths of thousands of innocent people. It's the select few that the public elected to make these types of disastrous decisions on your behalf. A short thought interlude...."Am I living on another _______ planet? I thought we elect leaders to create prosperity for citizens..." A related article: Reuters - 2021 - Taiwan proposes extra $9 bln defence spending over 5-years.

If all the money squandered on defense worldwide went instead into social welfare and health, People would have fewer issues, and they could potentially be satisfied with their governments. A related article: Reuters - 2021 - Global military spending rises 2.6% in 2020

As the song goes: You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

Every government around the world should have a Ministry of Anti-War instead of a Ministry of Defense. The ministry would work a little bit differently from other ministries. It would consist of one minister from every country around the world; the minister's role would not be restricted to only politicians that oppose war; it would be open to anyone opposing war. The purpose would be to oversee the removal of all weapons, and thereafter any sign of aggression would be investigated and stopped immediately. It's a sad proposition to have an anti-war ministry, but governments have gone too far in the other direction. Protests can sometimes bring about changes, but this is not making decisions; it shows you object. A related article: Wikipedia article - Protests against the Iraq War. Quote from article: "36 million people across the globe took part in almost 3,000 protests against the Iraq war." This did not prevent the war. This is what happens when you elect leaders of a small group (government) to govern millions of people and those people cannot make decisions on devastating actions. Related articles: Reuters - 2022 - Biden seek more than 770 billion 2023 defense budget.

We're not the only ones saying it - check these links.



Next Article: Groups...

The emotions you feel when looking at these pictures are what a mind without human-created systems feels like. As nature intended.

A tropical fish

A peacock


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February 2022

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