etcdctl help lease timetolive - Get lease information

etcdctl help endpoint health - Checks the healthiness of endpoints specified in `--endpoints` flag

etcdctl help lease grant - Creates leases

etcdctl help member list - Lists all members in the cluster

etcdctl help user add - Adds a new user

etcdctl help user passwd - Changes password of user

etcdctl help role add - Adds a new role

etcdctl help member update - Updates a member in the cluster

etcdctl help snapshot restore - Restores an etcd member snapshot to an etcd directory

etcdctl help member remove - Removes a member from the cluster

etcdctl help role revoke-permission - Revokes a key from a role

etcdctl help snapshot save - Stores an etcd node backend snapshot to a given file

etcdctl help role get - Gets detailed information of a role

etcdctl help lease list - List all active leases

etcdctl help user list - Lists all users

etcdctl help role delete - Deletes a role

etcdctl help auth enable - Enables authentication

etcdctl help snapshot status - Gets backend snapshot status of a given file

etcdctl help lease keep-alive - Keeps leases alive (renew)

etcdctl help alarm list - Lists all alarms

etcdctl help user delete - Deletes a user

etcdctl help auth disable - Disables authentication

etcdctl help lease revoke - Revokes leases

etcdctl help user grant-role - Grants a role to a user

etcdctl help user get - Gets detailed information of a user

etcdctl help role grant-permission - Grants a key to a role

etcdctl help member add - Adds a member into the cluster

etcdctl help endpoint hashkv - Prints the KV history hash for each endpoint in --endpoints

etcdctl help role list - Lists all roles

etcdctl help endpoint status - Prints out the status of endpoints specified in `--endpoints` flag

etcdctl help user revoke-role - Revokes a role from a user

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